Our Projects


Agriculture Farming

Our products contribute to a better quality of life. We have a wide range of agricultural products.We apply innovation and technology to produce more products while conserving more. We have included in our project cultivation of sugarcane, turmeric and all other varieties of fruits like Jackfruit, Guava, Star apple, papaya, litchi, Blackberry, Beetle nut, Lemon etc. We also grow seasonal vegetables like bitter gourd, chillies, cabbage, cauliflower tomatoes etc.

Mango Plantation

A major attraction of this project is our mango plantation. We have approximately 90-100 mango trees of different varieties like Himsagar, Langra, Gulabkhas, Bombai, Totamukhi, Madras etc. Herbal treatments of plants are done every year to ensure greater production. Usually the production is of very good quality and hence it has the potential of being supplied to the outside market. So far, we have been supplying to local markets only. .


Poultry Farm

We have very recently started poultry farming. Approximately 2500 chicks are nurtured and raised at a time in a hygienic living condition. We source chicks, which are about two days old and then nurture them by providing them proper and authentic feed and vaccination as well as their vitamin requirement is taken care of by the Vet. Doctors. We have trained people who look after this project; since we have gained good experience in this area, we have plans for expansion.


Floriculture has been one of the most important activities of the farm due to the inherent love of flowers especially amongst the ladies since time immemorial. Floriculture could be considered as the most colorful sector of horticulture, which includes flowers, foliage, potted plants, ornamentals and greens. We grow variety of seasonal flowers like Dahlia, Chrysanthemum, carnation, Pansy, Cosmos, Hollyhock,
Marigold etc. The cultivation of traditional loose flowers by small and marginal farmers to meet the demand for worship, garland making and decorations is recognized as the backbone of floriculture. This production is entirely consumed by the local market.


Fishery Project

Fish Farming is an age old activity and in practice from ancient times. This comprises the culture of 3 indigenous species of fish viz. Rui, Katla and Mrigel and 3 exotic fish i.e. Silver carp, Grass carpand Tiger Prawns, keeping in view their different food habit and habitat. We also have Japani puti, Mourola, American Rui, Bata,Tangra in our pond. In addition to this we have a small cultivation of Chital, Magur and Koi. Quality fish seed is the pre-requisite for successful fish farming.

Duckery Farm

Ducks occupy an important position next to chicken farming in India. To supply good quality hatching eggs & day – old ducklings of egg and meat type strain. We maintain proper hygienic conditions, Provide adequate feed, and water and floor space. We are trying to follow regular vaccination schedule, proper disposal of dead birds. Ensure clean and adequate water supply, reduce stress effect. As food we provide insects, snails, earthworms, small fishes and other aquatic materials with the duck supplement. Duck droppings go directly into the pond, which in turn provide essential nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus that stimulate growth of natural food organisms.


Special Attraction

Terracotta Temple

Two temples in this property by specially designing terracotta tiles themselves and finally getting it executed by the artist of Bishnupur, which is famous for it old, medieval terracotta temples...

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Investor Relation

Village Green Ecofarms Pvt. Ltd. has taken off smoothly and is on its way of spreading its wings. From a concept of a private farm to agriculture, organic farming , integrated fish farming , poultry and finally to Eco Tourism. This is the broad road map to its success .. 

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Social Services

Our Social Motto

A trust is formed named, Rahul & Soma Roy Charitable Trust, to carry out various charitable work. The highlighting objective of the trust was to set up an old age home at a subsidized cost...

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